APIs Submit Last created Popular Relevance Names in ascending order Names in descending order Last modified Go 7 datasets found Service Areas in Tampere Service Areas in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate system is ETRS-GK24... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV City of Tampere Master Plan Building Objects City of Tampere Master Plan Building Objects. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON Latest bulletins from the City of Tampere Latest 25 bulletins from the City of Tampere. RSS -feed provided with RSS 2.0 specification. RSS-elements: title: tiedotteen otsikko link: URL-osoite julkaistuun tiedotteeseen... RSS Electoral districts in Tampere Electoral districts in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate system is... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Statistical metropolitan areas in Tampere Statistical metropolitan areas in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Statistical areas in Tampere Statistical areas in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate system is... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Tampere City Planning Index Tampereen asemakaavaindeksi esittää ajantasaisten kaavojen ulottuvuutta. Asemakaavaindeksin ominaisuustietoja ovat kaavanumero ja vahvistumispäivä. Data on saatavissa... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV