Infrared Aerial photograph of Tampere 2011

Infrared aerial photograph of Tampere 2011. The photograph was taken in two batches. The first part was taken on 20.5.2010 and the second between 10. - 11.5.2011. The northeast part of Tampere was photographed during the first part in 2010. Flying altitudes were 5000 and 7538 meters. Ground resolution is 50 centimeters.

Data is available in a TIFF -package and WMS API which provide data in different image formats. Native coordinate system is ETRS-GK24 (EPSG:3878). TIFF package is using ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system. APIs are provided by Geoserver. Extended documentation for Geoserver APIs is available in

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Additional information

Published 23.12.2014
Update frequency
Data collections
Geographical coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Infrared Aerial photograph of Tampere 2011. The dataset has been downloaded from Tampereen kaupungin dataportaali service on 18.10.2024 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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