Datasets Activity Stream Submit Last published Popular Relevance Name Ascending Name Descending Last Modified Go 7 datasets found Day Centres for the Elderly People in Tampere Day Centres for the Elderly People in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Service Centres for the Elderly People in Tampere Service Centres for the Elderly People in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Public Dental Clinics in Tampere Public Dental Clinics in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate system is... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Maternity clinics in Tampere Maternity clinics in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate system is... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Public health centres in Tampere Public health centres in Tampere. Data is available in WMS and WFS APIs which provide data in different formats (e.g. JSON, GML2, Shape-zip, CSV). Native coordinate system is... WFS WMS SHP GEOJSON CSV Tampereen kaupungin päihdehuollon palvelut ja kustannukset vuonna 2011 Tampereen osuus kuuden suurimman kaupungin päihdehuollon palvelujen ja kustannusten vertailusta vuonna 2011. Vuoden 2011 tietoja koskevassa raportissa päihdehuollon palveluihin... XLS CSV Comparison of social welfare for the disabled in the six largest cities in 2011 Tampere's share of the services provided by the six largest cities for the Disability Services Act and the comparison of financial support measures in 2011. XLS CSV